Stress Safety Net for Happy Family (SSN HF)

The concept of happy family refers to the family as a functional system, impacted by highly stressful events and social contexts, and in turn, overcoming the same through positive adaptation of all members and strengthening the family unit. High stress resilience promotes the total family happiness. Research shows that the by promoting resilience will bring down parents’ stress levels maximise the marriage satisfaction and helps in improving children/s behaviour

Stress Management Lab(SML) with its decade of research and training experience has worked closely with International council of Stress Management Professionals(ICSMP), Australia and has devised a comprehensive Stress Management program called “Stress Safety Net“(SSN) to enable an effective and efficient Stress Management model to promote the requirements of family resilience and ensure their happiness

SML undertakes the following measures to ensure resilience for happiness at Family level

  • Real-time computerized stress and resilience check-ins with customized feedback and referrals for all family members. ( Stress and Resilience Profile for all family members)
  • Family-specific psycho-education on issues such as PTSD, Parenting, Relations and the impact of stress on families and child development.
  • Resilience training in emotional regulation, goal setting, problem-solving, communication, and managing trauma and loss, using tools to enhance emotional awareness and communication skills. Do It Yourself (DIY) Modules , monitoring and follow-ups

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